Audrey Longest

Audrey Longest is a talented tattoo artist with two years of experience, specializing in delicate linework and intricate lettering. She fell in love with tattooing because it allows people to carry a piece of art with them forever. Audrey's favorite designs often feature beautiful floral elements, reflecting her appreciation for natural beauty.

Audrey's approach to tattooing is client-focused. She starts each consultation with an open mind, aiming to understand and bring her client's vision to life. She believes in the importance of listening and asking detailed questions to ensure every tattoo is a perfect reflection of what her clients want.

One of her most memorable projects involved a client who wanted to combine a quote with a money theme and a feminine touch. The resulting design brought immense joy to the client and reinforced Audrey's passion for creating meaningful tattoos.

Outside of the studio, Audrey enjoys spending quality time with her child, engaging in fun activities, and watching movies. She stays inspired and current with industry trends by following numerous tattoo pages on social media.

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Shelby See, Artist


Paige Thornsbrough, Artist